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Today’s Adventure

Learn online, live outside. Our extensive library of outdoor education courses prepares you for your next great adventure.

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Discover the Today's Adventure Course catalog

Find your next adventure in an ever-expanding catalog of professionally tailored online courses, all included as part of your Today's Adventure subscription. Upon beginning, your progress will be added to your "My Courses" page.

Expert-led Online Courses

Certification Across All Fifty States

Our courses are recognized by states, provinces, and countries that mandate education to keep people safe when they are underwater, on the water, in the field, or on the trail.



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Example course page with certification example cards

Handcrafted Outdoors Content

Our courses were designed to inspire you to spend more time outdoors. Developed with veteran instructors, our courses will teach you essential information, nature awareness, and self-reliance. Improve your skill set and gain the confidence to get outdoors and explore. No matter your experience, we have a variety of courses to get you on your way!

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Adventure on the Go

Mobile friendly and designed to work on any device, our courses allow you to study your area of interest anytime, on your own schedule! Log in at any time to see your saved progress.

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Example of course pages on various devices